Wednesday, July 16, 2014


SINCE THE NEWS ABOUT THE MEETING OF AN INDIAN JOURNALIST "VED PRATAP VAIDIK" WITH THE CHIEF OF JAMAAYT-UD-DAVA CHIEF "HAFIZ MOHAMMAD SAYEED" BROKE THROUGH THE TV CHANNELS IN INDIA, A VICIOUS CAMPAIGN HAS BEEN LAUNCHED BY THE SECULARISTS LED BY THE CONGRESS TACITLY SUPPORTED BY THE MEDIA CHANNELS. IDEALLY MEDIA COULD HAVE DEFENDED THE MEETING BECAUSE VED PRATAP VAIDIK HAPPENS TO BE A JOURNALIST AND HE HAS EMPHASIZED THAT HE MET THE JuD CHIEF AS A JOURNALIST, BUT IN THE ABSENCE OF ISSUES THE ANTI-BJP SECULAR LOBBY IS CONSISTENTLY ATTACKING THE BJP & UNION GOVERNMENT AGAINST THE MEETING OF A JOURNO WITH ALLEGED MASTERMIND OF 26-11 (MUMBAI). THE CONGRESS'S SPOKESPERSON DIGVIJAY SINGH TRIED TO CONNECT THE JOURNALIST WITH RSS, WHILE RAHUL GANDHI IN HIS PAPPU'S STYLE CALLED MR. VAIDIK A RSS MAN. VED PRATAP VAIDIK HAS DENIED HIS LINKS WITH THE RSS AND TESTIFIED HIS CLOSENESS TO THE CONGRESS, YET THE ATTACK IS ON. THE PROXIMITY OF MR. VED PRATAP VAIDIK WITH LEFTISTS IS ALSO EVIDENT, BUT IT DOES NOT DETER THE MEDIA FROM THE FRONTAL ATTACK ON THE BJP. WHILE TRACKING THE MEETINGS WITH THE TERRORISTS MANY LINKS HAVE COME TO THE FORE. YOU CAN CHECK THEM OUT AND DECIDE ABOUT THE MORALITY OF CONGRESS & MEDIA. 1. Priyanka Vadra met LTTE convicted terrorists in jail - 2. ‪#‎Congress‬ M.P Rajeev Shukla met dawood ibharam in April 2004 - 3. #Congress M.P met hafeez sayed n held tv show with him im pakistan - 4.Journalist n close aide of indira gandhi met khalastani terrorist Bhindrewala - 5. Ex.CM of J&K and ex ‪#‎UPA‬ cabinet minister met khalastani terrorist Bhindrewala - 6. ‪#‎NDTV‬ journalist met & conduct interview of kishanji deputy chief of naxal - 7. Sonia gandhi's NAC member arundhity roy met & interviewed naxal in dhanteweda - 8. #Congress leader and ex union cabinet minister chidambaram met terrorist leaders frm ULFA - 9. Ex sunday indian journalist presently wiyh ‪#‎TimesNow‬ met n interviewed kashmiri seperatist geelani - 10. Kashmiri sepratist set free frm murder n terror charges by #Congress met JKLF chief sayed saluhudin and JuD chief hafeez saeed - 11. AIMIM chief n ex #UPA member met hezbollah chief - 12. #Congress PM indira gandhi met and invited and welcomed palestine liberation chief yasir arafat to India - 13. Taliban chief was invited to india for a conference attended by chidambaram -

Monday, July 7, 2014

ओशो का वह प्रवचन, जिससे ईसायत तिलमिला उठी थी और अमेरिका की रोनाल्‍ड रीगन सरकार ने उन्‍हें हाथ-पैर में बेडि़यां डालकर गिरफ्तार किया और फिर मरने के लिए थेलियम नामक धीमा जहर दे दिया था। इतना ही नहीं, वहां बसे रजनीशपुरम को तबाह कर दिया गया था और पूरी दुनिया को यह निर्देश भी दे दिया था कि न तो ओशो को कोई देश आश्रय देगा और न ही उनके विमान को ही लैंडिंग की इजाजत दी जाएगी। ओशो से प्रवचनों की वह श्रृंखला आज भी मार्केट से गायब हैं। पढिए वह चौंकाने वाला सच मित्रगण ॰हरिः ॐ॰ जय महाकाल...!!! ओशो: जब भी कोई सत्‍य के लिए प्‍यासा होता है, अनायास ही वह भारत में उत्‍सुक हो उठता है। अचानक पूरब की यात्रा पर निकल पड़ता है। और यह केवल आज की ही बात नहीं है। यह उतनी ही प्राचीन बात है, जितने पुराने प्रमाण और उल्‍लेख मौजूद हैं। आज से 2500 वर्ष पूर्व, सत्‍य की खोज में पाइथागोरस भारत आया था। ईसा मसीह भी भारत आए थे। ईसामसीह के 13 से 30 वर्ष की उम्र के बीच का बाइबिल में कोई उल्‍लेख नहीं है। और यही उनकी लगभग पूरी जिंदगी थी, क्‍योंकि 33 वर्ष की उम्र में तो उन्‍हें सूली ही चढ़ा दिया गया था। तेरह से 30 तक 17 सालों का हिसाब बाइबिल से गायब है! इतने समय वे कहां रहे? आखिर बाइाबिल में उन सालों को क्‍यों नहीं रिकार्ड किया गया? उन्‍हें जानबूझ कर छोड़ा गया है, कि ईसायत मौलिक धर्म नहीं है, कि ईसा मसीह जो भी कह रहे हैं वे उसे भारत से लाए हैं। यह बहुत ही विचारणीय बात है। वे एक यहूदी की तरह जन्‍मे, यहूदी की ही तरह जिए और यहूदी की ही तरह मरे। स्‍मरण रहे कि वे ईसाई नहीं थे, उन्‍होंने तो-ईसा और ईसाई, ये शब्‍द भी नहीं सुने थे। फिर क्‍यों यहूदी उनके इतने खिलाफ थे? यह सोचने जैसी बात है, आखिर क्‍यों ? न तो ईसाईयों के पास इस सवाल का ठीक-ठाक जवाबा है और न ही यहूदियों के पास। क्‍योंकि इस व्‍यक्ति ने किसी को कोई नुकसान नहीं पहुंचाया। ईसा उतने ही निर्दोष थे जितनी कि कल्‍पना की जा सकती है। पर उनका अपराध बहुत सूक्ष्‍म था। पढ़े-लिखे यहूदियों और चतुर रबाईयों ने स्‍पष्‍ट देख लिया था कि वे पूरब से विचार ले रहे हैं, जो कि गैर यहूदी हैं। वे कुछ अजीबोगरीब और विजातीय बातें ले रहे हैं। और यदि इस दृष्टिकोण से देखो तो तुम्‍हें समझ आएगा कि क्‍यों वे बारा-बार कहते हैं- '' अतीत के पैगंबरों ने तुमसे कहा था कि यदि कोई तुम पर क्रोध करे, हिंसा करे तो आंख के बदले में आंख लेने और ईंट का जवाब पत्‍थर से देने को तैयार रहना। लेकिन मैं तुमसे कहता हूं कि अगर कोई तुम्‍हें चोट पहुंचाता है, एक गाल पर चांटा मारता है तो उसे अपना दूसरा गाल भी दिखा देना।'' यह पूर्णत: गैर यहूदी बात है। उन्‍होंने ये बातें गौतम बुद्ध और महावीर की देशनाओं से सीखी थीं। ईसा जब भारत आए थे-तब बौद्ध धर्म बहुत जीवंत था, यद्यपि बुद्ध की मृत्‍यु हो चुकी थी। गौतम बुद्ध के पांच सौ साल बाद जीसस यहां आए थे। पर बुद्ध ने इतना विराट आंदोलन, इतना बड़ा तूफान खड़ा किया था कि तब तक भी पूरा मुल्‍क उसमें डूबा हुआ था। बुद्ध की करुणा, क्षमा और प्रेम के उपदेशों को भारत पिए हुआ था। जीसस कहते हैं कि '' अतीत के पैगंबरों द्वारा यह कहा गया था।'' कौन हैं ये पुराने पैगंबर?'' वे सभी प्राचीन यहूदी पैगंबर हैं: इजेकिएल, इलिजाह, मोसेस,- '' कि ईश्‍वर बहुत ही हिंसक है और वह कभी क्षमा नहीं करता है!? '' यहां तक कि प्राचीन यहूदी पैगंबरों ने ईश्‍वर के मुंह से ये शब्‍द भी कहलवा दिए हैं कि '' मैं कोई सज्‍जन पुरुष नहीं हूं, तुम्‍हारा चाचा नहीं हूं। मैं बहुत क्रोधी और ईर्ष्‍यालु हूं, और याद रहे जो भी मेरे साथ नहीं है, वे सब मेरे शत्रु हैं।'' पुराने टेस्‍टामेंट में ईश्‍वर के ये वचन हैं। और ईसा मसीह कहते हैं, '' मैं तुमसे कहता हूं कि परमात्‍मा प्रेम है।'' यह ख्‍याल उन्‍हें कहां से आया कि परमात्‍मा प्रेम है? गौतम बुद्ध की शिक्षाओं के सिवाए दुनिया में कहीं भी परमात्‍मा को प्रेम कहने का कोई और उल्‍लेख नहीं है। उन 17 वर्षों में जीसस इजिप्‍त, भारत, लद्दाख और तिब्‍बत की यात्रा करते रहे। यही उनका अपराध था कि वे यहूदी परंपरा में बिल्‍कुल अपरिचित और अजनबी विचारधाराएं ला रहे थे। न केवल अपरिचित बल्कि वे बातें यहूदी धारणाओं के एकदम से विपरीत थीं। तुम्‍हें जानकर आश्‍चर्य होगा कि अंतत: उनकी मृत्‍यु भी भारत में हुई! और ईसाई रिकार्ड्स इस तथ्‍य को नजरअंदाज करते रहे हैं। यदि उनकी बात सच है कि जीसस पुनर्जीवित हुए थे तो फिर पुनर्जीवित होने के बाद उनका क्‍या हुआ? आजकल वे कहां हैं ? क्‍योंकि उनकी मृत्‍यु का तो कोई उल्‍लेख है ही नहीं ! सच्‍चाई यह है कि वे कभी पुनर्जीवित नहीं हुए। वास्‍तव में वे सूली पर कभी मरे ही नहीं थे। क्‍योंकि यहूदियों की सूली आदमी को मारने की सर्वाधिक बेहूदी तरकीब है। उसमें आदमी को मरने में करीब-करीब 48 घंटे लग जाते हैं। चूंकि हाथों में और पैरों में कीलें ठोंक दी जाती हैं तो बूंद-बूंद करके उनसे खून टपकता रहता है। यदि आदमी स्‍वस्‍थ है तो 60 घंटे से भी ज्‍यादा लोग जीवित रहे, ऐसे उल्‍लेख हैं। औसत 48 घंटे तो लग ही जाते हैं। और जीसस को तो सिर्फ छह घंटे बाद ही सूली से उतार दिया गया था। यहूदी सूली पर कोई भी छह घंटे में कभी नहीं मरा है, कोई मर ही नहीं सकता है। यह एक मिलीभगत थी, जीसस के शिष्‍यों की पोंटियस पॉयलट के साथ। पोंटियस यहूदी नहीं था, वो रोमन वायसराय था। जूडिया उन दिनों रोमन साम्राज्‍य के अधीन था। निर्दोष जीसस की हत्‍या में रोमन वायसराय पोंटियस को कोई रुचि नहीं थी। पोंटियस के दस्‍तखत के बगैर यह हत्‍या नहीं हो सकती थी।पोंटियस को अपराध भाव अनुभव हो रहा था कि वह इस भद्दे और क्रूर नाटक में भाग ले रहा है। चूंकि पूरी यहूदी भीड़ पीछे पड़ी थी कि जीसस को सूली लगनी चाहिए। जीसस वहां एक मुद्दा बन चुका था। पोंटियस पॉयलट दुविधा में था। यदि वह जीसस को छोड़ देता है तो वह पूरी जूडिया को, जो कि यहूदी है, अपना दुश्‍मन बना लेता है। यह कूटनीतिक नहीं होगा। और यदि वह जीसस को सूली दे देता है तो उसे सारे देश का समर्थन तो मिल जाएगा, मगर उसके स्‍वयं के अंत:करण में एक घाव छूट जाएगा कि राजनैतिक परिस्थिति के कारण एक निरपराध व्‍यक्ति की हत्‍या की गई, जिसने कुछ भी गलत नहीं किया था। तो पोंटियस ने जीसस के शिष्‍यों के साथ मिलकर यह व्‍यवस्‍था की कि शुक्रवार को जितनी संभव हो सके उतनी देर से सूली दी जाए। चूंकि सूर्यास्‍त होते ही शुक्रवार की शाम को यहूदी सब प्रकार का कामधाम बंद कर देते हैं, फिर शनिवार को कुछ भी काम नहीं होता, वह उनका पवित्र दिन है। यद्यपि सूली दी जानी थी शुक्रवार की सुबह, पर उसे स्‍थगित किया जाता रहा। ब्‍यूरोक्रेसी तो किसी भी कार्य में देर लगा सकती है। अत: जीसस को दोपहर के बाद सूली पर चढ़ाया गया और सूर्यास्‍त के पहले ही उन्‍हें जीवित उतार लिया गया। यद्यपि वे बेहोश थे, क्‍योंकि शरीर से रक्‍तस्राव हुआ था और कमजोरी आ गई थी। पवित्र दिन यानि शनिवार के बाद रविवार को यहूदी उन्‍हें पुन: सूली पर चढ़ाने वाले थे। जीसस के देह को जिस गुफा में रखा गया था, वहां का चौकीदार रोमन था न कि यहूदी। इसलिए यह संभव हो सका कि जीसस के शिष्‍यगण उन्‍हें बाहर आसानी से निकाल लाए और फिर जूडिया से बाहर ले गए। जीसस ने भारत में आना क्‍यों पसंद किया? क्‍योंकि युवावास्‍था में भी वे वर्षों तक भारत में रह चुके थे। उन्‍होंने अध्‍यात्‍म और ब्रह्म का परम स्‍वाद इतनी निकटता से चखा था कि वहीं दोबारा लौटना चाहा। तो जैसे ही वह स्‍वस्‍थ हुए, भारत आए और फिर 112 साल की उम्र तक जिए। कश्‍मीर में अभी भी उनकी कब्र है। उस पर जो लिखा है, वह हिब्रू भाषा में है। स्‍मरण रहे, भारत में कोई यहूदी नहीं रहते हैं। उस शिलालेख पर खुदा है, '' जोशुआ''- यह हिब्रू भाषा में ईसामसीह का नाम है। 'जीसस' 'जोशुआ' का ग्रीक रुपांतरण है। 'जोशुआ' यहां आए'- समय, तारीख वगैरह सब दी है। ' एक महान सदगुरू, जो स्‍वयं को भेड़ों का गड़रिया पुकारते थे, अपने शिष्‍यों के साथ शांतिपूर्वक 112 साल की दीर्घायु तक यहांरहे।' इसी वजह से वह स्‍थान 'भेड़ों के चरवाहे का गांव' कहलाने लगा। तुम वहां जा सकते हो, वह शहर अभी भी है-'पहलगाम', उसका काश्‍मीरी में वही अर्थ है-' गड़रिए का गांवा' जीसस यहां रहना चाहते थे ताकि और अधिक आत्मिक विकास कर सकें। एक छोटे से शिष्‍य समूह के साथ वे रहना चाहते थे ताकि वे सभी शांति में, मौन में डूबकर आध्‍यात्मिक प्रगति कर सकें। और उन्‍होंने मरना भी यहीं चाहा, क्‍योंकि यदि तुम जीने की कला जानते हो तो यहां (भारत में)जीवन एक सौंदर्य है और यदि तुम मरने की कला जानते हो तो यहां (भारत में)मरना भी अत्‍यंत अर्थपूर्ण है। केवल भारत में ही मृत्‍यु की कला खोजी गई है, ठीक वैसे ही जैसे जीने की कला खोजी गई है। वस्‍तुत: तो वे एक ही प्रक्रिया के दो अंग हैं। यहूदियों के पैगंबर मूसा ने भी भारत में ही देह त्‍यागी थी! इससे भी अधिक आश्‍चर्यजनक तथ्‍य यह है कि मूसा (मोजिज) ने भी भारत में ही आकर देह त्‍यागी थी! उनकी और जीसस की समाधियां एक ही स्‍थान में बनी हैं। शायद जीसस ने ही महान सदगुरू मूसा के बगल वाला स्‍थान स्‍वयं के लिए चुना होगा। पर मूसा ने क्‍यों कश्‍मीर में आकर मृत्‍यु में प्रवेश किया? मूसा ईश्‍वर के देश 'इजराइल' की खोज में यहूदियों को इजिप्‍त के बाहर ले गए थे। उन्‍हें 40 वर्ष लगे, जब इजराइल पहुंचकर उन्‍होंने घोषणा की कि, '' यही वह जमीन है, परमात्‍मा की जमीन, जिसका वादा किया गया था। और मैं अब वृद्ध हो गया हूं और अवकाश लेना चाहता हूं। हे नई पीढ़ी वालों, अब तुम सम्‍हालो!'' मूसा ने जब इजिप्‍त से यात्रा प्रारंभ की थी तब की पीढ़ी लगभग समाप्‍त हो चुकी थी। बूढ़े मरते गए, जवान बूढ़े हो गए और नए बच्‍चे पैदा होते रहे। जिस मूल समूह ने मूसा के साथ यात्रा की शुरुआत की थी, वह बचा ही नहीं था। मूसा करीब-करीब एक अजनबी की भांति अनुभव कर रहे थेा उन्‍होंने युवा लोगों शासन और व्‍यवस्‍था का कार्यभारा सौंपा और इजराइल से विदा हो लिए। यह अजीब बात है कि यहूदी धर्मशास्‍त्रों में भी, उनकी मृत्‍यु के संबंध में , उनका क्‍या हुआ इस बारे में कोई उल्‍लेख नहीं है। हमारे यहां (कश्‍मीर में ) उनकी कब्र है। उस समाधि पर भी जो शिलालेख है, वह हिब्रू भाषा में ही है। और पिछले चार हजार सालों से एक यहूदी परिवार पीढ़ी-दर-पीढ़ी उन दोनों समाधियों की देखभाल कर रहा है। मूसा भारत क्‍यों आना चाहते थे ? केवल मृत्‍यु के लिए ? हां, कई रहस्‍यों में से एक रहस्‍य यह भी है कि यदि तुम्‍हारी मृत्‍यु एक बुद्धक्षेत्र में हो सके, जहां केवल मानवीय ही नहीं, वरन भगवत्‍ता की ऊर्जा तरंगें हों, तो तुम्‍हारी मृत्‍यु भी एक उत्‍सव और निर्वाण बन जाती है। सदियों से सारी दुनिया के साधक इस धरती पर आते रहे हैं। यह देश दरिद्र है, उसके पास भेंट देने को कुछ भी नहीं, पर जो संवेदनशील हैं, उनके लिए इससे अधिक समृद्ध कौम इस पृथ्‍वी पर कहीं नहीं हैं। लेकिन वह समृद्धि आंतरिक है। ~ओशो (पुस्‍तक: मेरा स्‍वर्णिम भारत)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

SECULAR (Dharmanirpeksh) MEDIA in (Dharmic) INDIAN LAND At the very outset, let me clarify that I am proud of my country which has been known as BHARAT/HINDUSTHAN being the brightest and the place where Hindus live. I am proud of the knowledge and heritage emanating from Vedas continuing with Puranas, Agamas, Dharmasastras, Ramayana, Mahabharata along with of course Upnishadas and Darshan Sastras. Due to all this association, I as a Hindu have been watching and studying the events that should worry all who love BHARAT. Hindu being called a communal and anti-hindu a broad-minded secular, has been the fashion of the day. This maligned thought has unfortunately been strengthened by the mainline media, no wonder that Nationalist Hindus and organizations have been linked to violent Terrorism. Since, I am admitting candidly that I am a Hindu, anyone who concludes to call me “Communal” is welcome. In this paper, I wish to use Indian history and the events thereof which have direct concern with the role of media of that period. Since India is a name imposed by the invader Britishers on my pious land known as BHARAT, I would begin with Itihas knowing fully well that the history taught to us has totally dismissed itihas and called it Mythology. BHARAT (INDIA) has been the land of advancements in all walks of life since ancient times. Its knowledge in various fields of Arts, Commerce, Sciences and Technology etc has been remarkable and the message of “Vasudaiva Kutumbakam” and “Lok-Kalyan” has been loud and clear. The welfare of Samashti even at the cost of Vyashti has been the way of life of the Land of Maryada Purushottam Rama and YogiRaj Krisna. Throughout the Itihas of Pauranik literature, the events in the enthralling stories are packed with an omnipresent journalist Naarada, who is always there to report the important events to the needy ones. Naarada’s reporting speed is far ahead of the 21st century “Breaking News” of the Electronic media. It can be compared to the instant tweets on twitter or Facebook updates of the social media in the age of Internet. Yet, the major factor that distinguishes Naarada from today’s media is his responsible behavior towards the “Lok”, which may be considered as the world, the universe of the Rashtra and its constituents. Naarada is always sincerely dutiful, which has been the way of life of this land in the name of Dharma. Therefore, when it comes to journalism, Naarada stands tallest in the minds of Bharteeyas and not surprisingly, no one raises any questions on the journalistic ethics of Naarada. We can therefore safely conclude that the Journalism that fits the minds of Bharteeyas is the way Naarada practiced. This is a compatible journalism fitting into the framework of Indian Ethos. The Secularists and communists may name the Itihas as Myth & Mythology, yet the Bharateeya have an inseparable relation with this Itihas, so elaborately explained in Puranas and Agamas along with the Historic texts of Ramayana and Mahabharata, that the history taught by the anti-bharat mindset people has not been able to wash it and I am very sure that it never will. Many may not like the above paragraph, being regarded as Mythology according to their understanding, but I had to begin with this so as to emphasize, what Indian ethos ought to be vis-à-vis journalistic principles and practice. I am not much concerned about the role of the media during the days of Moughal or British period as we had not much say in the governance and those Indians who had some say were simply dancing on the tunes of the invaders. Still, we may recall that people of this resurgent nation took britishers by surprise, while they rose to oust the English from the soil of Bharatmata in 1857. Though the rulers of the day termed it a Mutiny, the greatest of the great revolutionary Vinayak Damodar Savarkar came out with a detailed account of the events of 1857-58 and named this book “The Indian War of Independence-1857”. It describes, how nationalist forces of Bharat chased the britishers to give a death blow to the Firangi rule. How in those days of slavery and poor resources people defeated the media network of the british and established close contact of all revolutionary units through the symbols of “Kamal & Roti” is amazing. 14the August 1947 is an important date, when Pakistan was created on the land of Hindusthan (BHARAT), thus openly establishing that the new entity created was PAK- Pure and Pious which meant that rest of BHARAT is impure, being the land of infidels. The infidels led by Gandhi-Jawahar used this opportunity to make rest of Bharat, which they preferred to call INDIA, a Secular land, where Infidels would be gradually eliminated so as to make whole of India- PAK. And Lo! Gandhi was murdered by an infidel on 30th January 1948. The death was duly mourned by Radio- Newspapers of the time, but thousands of Families belonging to the Chitpawan creed of Pune Brahmins suffered violence and aggression at the hands of (Non)-Violent followers of Gandhi. It was not reported in the National media, thanks to the Gandhian principles of Secularism and Non-Violence. Was this attitude of Indian media compatible to the lofty ideals of Dharma? Ask yourself. Anyway, let me now take to the reporting of the 3 full scale wars that India faced with China and Pakistan. Whereas Radio Pakistan was dismissed by Indians calling it Radio Jhoothistan, the most trustworthy came out to be the BBC news. Why, in those days of National Harmony and a supportive and positive political opposition party “Bharatiya Janasangh”, BBC was able to score over All India Radio News ? At least, I have no clues. Gradually the clutches were tightly fixed over the state owned Radio and then came the state owned Doordarshan. As there was unquestioned Governance of Smt. Indira Gandhi, who virtually put India under dictatorship under the grab of Internal Emergency, the state run Radio and Television were fully captive of the tyranny of Mrs. Gandhi’s Jail as all those who could have a voice were put behind bars. But, in these days of Internal Emergency, people of this country operated their own networks to spread the messages of revolt, as it had been done by the managers of War of Indian Independence- 1857, with the help of Kamal and Roti. The underground revolt successfully culminated into the change of Political power in the general election of 1977, post emergency. Congress was rooted out badly from many important states. Whatever may have been the weaknesses of the Janata Party Government headed by Shri Morarji Desai, at least 3 achievements cannot be denied of this short lived government. 1. Price control and availability of all essential commodities, 2. Best relations with neighbors and other international community, thanks to the able handling of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee. 3. After the slavery of the state owned media during Congress’s regimen, there was a sincere attempt to free media from the state and the first step in this direction was the establishment of Prasar Bharati Corporation, the brainchild of another brilliant politician from Bharatiya Janasangh- Shri LalKrishna Advani, who happened to be the Minister of Information and Broadcasting. Did the course of the character of Indian media change after this historic decision? I don’t have any answers, but the effort of the minister was undoubtedly in the direction to free the media from the clutches of the state power. The Janata Party experiment failed and the government headed by Shri MorarjiBhai Desai fell, not being able to tolerate the weight of its over ambitious constituents. We saw successive government headed by Ch. Charan Singh, supported from outside by Indira’s Congress falling before facing the parliament even for a day. That is the darkest chapter in Parliamentary Democracy, where we come across a Prime Minister working without the accent of the Parliament. Nothing specific can be drawn from the point of view of the role of Indian Media during this period. The ensuing elections after the failed Janata experiment saw the Congress(I), led by Mrs. Indira Gandhi assuming power at the centre. The experienced Indira was wiser now. While she had already added the word “ Secular” to the emblem of Indian Constitution in her previous regimen, her secularism started playing havoc in Punjab, when bloody Sikh Terrorism was created and nourished by the Secular polity. The role of media in this period can be lauded. Both print and electronic media reported the incidents of Sikh Terrorism, the way they should have. Indira Ji first tried to promote her elder son Sanjay and after his tragic death, it was Rajiv who was introduced during the days of terrorism in Punjab. Poking into the affairs of Punjab, the most powerful general secretary of the Congress- Rajiv Gandhi forcefully declared that Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale was a saint. This statement of Rajiv didn’t go well even with the Congress leaders of Punjab, yet who is there to challenge the words of the dynasty in the congress? The situation went worse to worst. The Politics of Giani Zail Singh- Buta Singh vs. Darbara Singh- a noble Chief Minister of Punjab facilitated much bloodbath in Punjab, thanks to the blessings of Indira Ji. Media failed to project the misdeeds of the Central Congress Leadership for the Punjab crisis, or we may conclude that the one and only one television channel –Doordarshan owned by the Government could not have any say. Yet, the print media was there to save the day and it always tried to update its readers about the happenings of Punjab through its reports, write ups, editorials etc. Ultimately there was Operation Blue star, which further alienated the keshdharis from the mainstream and filled anger and anguish against Mrs. Indira Gandhi. This anger culminated into the tragic killing of Mrs. Gandhi by her bodyguards, who happened to be Sikhs. The country went into gloom and each one of Indians felt very sad over the daylight murder of the Prime Minister of India. But, here started the role of the media represented largely by the state owned television named Doordarshan. While covering the death of Mrs Indira Gandhi, it showed two clips continuously throughout the day- 1. The slogans raised by the Congressmen “Khoon ka badla khoon se lenge” and 2. when riots erupted against the keshdharis, there came a statement from the son of Indira Ji- Rajiv Gandhi, “Jab Koi bada ped girta hai to pas ki dharti hilti hi hai”, thus justifying the killings of keshdharis in Delhi and other towns of the country. It is possible that these clips were shown time and again keeping the killing target in mind and was ordered by the state controlled by the congress. The unabated violence continued for more than 72 hours and it was after about 5000 sikhs were killed mercilessly, when Army was called in to contain the violence. Can anyone deny the role of the media coverage of the event that caused whispered violence against a religious community by the disciples of the so-called non- violent Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and the torchbearers of Secularism of India. The electronic media owes an explanation to this. After the arrival of a broad spectrum electronic media represented by the ever increasing list of channels, there has been a rapid growth of the 24 hours news channels too, in almost all Indian languages and English. Each channel tries to score over others in presenting the news in the better way and fastest of all. The cut throat competition for TRP is well known today to the viewers. The large scale advertisement on the electronic media means a huge money and money is playing the main role in the working of electronic media today. There are no values, no professionalism, no character, no morals and no ethics. The newsmen have nothing to do with their duty towards the nation and the society. They are simply after big money. Along with, the channels very wisely are vigilant towards the powerful persons and organization which they think may prove fatal for them personally and professionally. Each one of the Indian viewers must be fed up of the bashing of the chief minister of Gujarat Narendrabhai Modi for 2002 riots, in which not more than 1000 people died out of which about 300 were Hindus, in a prolonged spate of violent clashes. Media has shied to report that NarendraBhai called the Army the very day that riots broke out, in contrast with the 1984 anti-sikh riots, when Army was called after 3 days. The media showed its balant apathy towards the burning alive of 59 passengers of Sabarmati express on Godhra railway station and even tried to justify the killing by blaming the RamJanmasthan movement. It even tried to prove that the fire that took the lives of the 59 Hindus returning from Ayodhya was lit by the passengers themselves. What an Inhuman attitude of the Secular media of India. The sick mentality of the media and the polity of this country has caused the birth of a new word Sickular for Secular, being used by numerous nationalists on the social networking sites like facebook, twitter etc. The mainline electronic and print media has consistently waged a war against the chief minister of Gujarat in line with the Secularist forces of this country. Truth and justice have taken a back seat under the Indian Secularism in reporting or analyzing the events by the Indian media. While an Ultra-Nationalist statement of Varun Gandhi of the BJP maddens the Indian media, the statement of the crown prince, “I feel shame to be an Indian” is taken very delicately by the media hawks. While claiming to put the things threadbare, Indian media has failed to call the lady who is ruling by default in the studio and ask some uncomfortable questions. The PM MMS issues a statement- “Muslims have first right on all resources of India”, and media goes dumb on the issue. MMS calls Raul Vinci (Rahul Gandhi) the fittest candidate as PM, but media has no questions to ask. Chidambaram (PC) talks of the non- existent Saffron Terrorism and media thoroughly establishes it. Raul feels that Hindu terrorism is a more grave danger than the worldwide Jihadi Terror and media endorses it. The saintly Nationalists Pragya, Aseemanand etc. are implicated in Terror cases without clinching evidences and are denied bail. No questions asked. The Jihadi muslims who had accepted their role in Samjhauta Blast are released just on the false and fabricated doubts about the Hindu suspects, but media fails to ask the logic to such release. The Parliament Attack case is concluded by the death sentence on Afzal Guru by the supreme Court of India, yet the Secular Govt. denies its execution for years together, with the tacit support of the Pro-Jihadi media. The Islamic conversion goes unabated in India and a new avtar is taking its toll named “Love Jihad”, where Muslim youth are awarded handsome money for alluring Hindu Girls resulting in Nikah and then deserting her, but media has been blind and dumb towards numerous incidents continuously pouring in on social networking sites like facebook and twitter. Media has never taken up the issue of Christian Conversion, which has been the declared goal of the Catholic church to reap the harvest in Asia, but is always up in arms against Hindu organizations whenever they try to come in the way of such inhuman activity. Aseemanand is one such person who worked amongst tribals to arrest Christian conversions, this is his fault and he is a declared (by the media) a dreaded terrorist who planted Bombs in Samjhauta Express Train. Oh ! the list is exhaustive. The Indian media is playing the dirty anti-india game which could have disastrous implications for the Unity and Integrity of the country. Media is simply trying to tear apart the social fabric of the country assisting the anti-BHARAT politicians. Media is never against the Jihadis of Kashmir or Assam, or the naxalites who mercilessly kill the Indian security forces, but would be seen on their side whenever there is an opportunity. Media is always happy by the death of Swami Laxmananand in Odisha, denying the role of church or naxalites in the murder. The support for the congress dynasty by the media has been most foul. The assembly elections coverage of UP saw only 1 political figure, needless to say Rahul, whose party lost miserably in the results. The Kashmir bound Yatra by Anurag Thakur of BJP and the recent anti- corruption Yatra by LalKrishna Advani Ji didn’t make headlines in the idiot boxes of India while Rahul’s every activity is followed religiously by the slave and prejudiced media. Why the Indian media is so anti-india ? Let’s try to find out. While searching their bosses and basis, some interesting facts come out. These facts can throw some light on the role of the Indian media. There are several major publishing groups in India, the most prominent among them being the Times of India Group, the Indian Express Group, the Hindustan Times Group, The Hindu group, the Anandabazar Patrika Group, the Malayalam Manorama Group, the Mathrubhumi group, the Sahara group, the Bhaskar group, and the Dainik Jagran group. Let us see the ownership of these media agencies. NDTV: A very popular TV news media is funded by the Gospels of Charity in Spain which supports Communism. Recently it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan because the Ex-President Musharraf had allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan. Indian Division CEO Prannoy Roy is the co-brother of Prakash Karat, General Secretary of Communist Party of India (Marxist). His wife and Brinda Karat are sisters. India Today which used to be the only national weekly who supported BJP is now bought by NDTV and since then the tone has changed drastically and turned into Hindu bashing. No prizes for guessing why. CNN-IBN: This is 100 percent funded by Southern Baptist Church with its branches in all over the world with HQ in US. The Church annually allocates $800 million for promotion of its channel. Its Indian heads are Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife Sagarika Ghosh. Times group list: Times Of India, Mid-Day, Nav-Bharth Times, Stardust , Femina, Vijaya Times, Vijaya Karnataka, Times now (24- hour news channel) and many more. Times Group is owned by Bennet & Coleman. ‘World Christian Council‘ does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent. The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi. Star TV: It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St. Peters Pontificial Church, Melbourne. Hindustan Times: Owned by Birla Group, but hands have changed since Shobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working in Collobration with Times Group (refer above). The Hindu: English daily, started over 125 years has been recently taken over by Joshua Society, Berne, Switzerland. N.Ram’s wife is a Swiss national. Indian Express: Divided into two groups:The Indian Express and The New Indian Express (southern edition): ACTS Christian Ministries have major stake in the Indian Express and later is still with the Indian counterpart. Andhra Jyothi: The Muslim Party of Hyderabad known as MIM along with a Congress Minister has purchased this Telugu daily very recently. The Statesman: It is controlled by the Communist Party of India. Kairali TV: It is controlled by the Communist Party of India (Marxist) Mathrubhoomi: Leaders of Muslim League and Communist Leaders have major investment. Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle: Is owned by a Saudi Arabian Company with its chief Editor M.J. Akbar. The above data clears much air about the callous attitude of the Indian media. Though it is disappointing, yet the growth of the social media through facebook and twitter has shown remarkable presence in the minds of those who are connected through the internet. Its potential was revealed so remarkably when it took the chair of Abhishek Manu Singhavi, whose porn video did rounds on youtube with regular updates notified on fb and twitter after it was removed several times from the youtube by the govt. agencies. Facebook is becoming a source of authentic and unbiased information regularly updated by the people who feel concerned in the affairs of national welfare. It is for this reason that there is whispered criticism of the establishment and the corrupt powerful politicians alongwith the biased media. We have seen that the UPA Govt. led by the extra constitutional power centre at 10 Janpath has been regularly feeling disturbed by the developments at the social networking sites like fb and twitter and has tried to stop it. The government represented by the Union Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal has threatened to block these sites and even had meetings with the managers of these sites. This is the attitude of the people who claim themselves the torch bearers of the freedom of expression. The anger of the people at large is very much visible on these sites and this anger may culminate into a national movement against the anti-national forces in the form of a revolution or a defeat of the anti national forces at the elections. This is required urgently, if BHARAT has to resurge into a major international force according to its potential. The Indian media which could have contributed a lot for this development has failed in its duty and thus it cannot be called a responsible media. Pauranic Narada’s character can be a guiding force for our media, but it shall have to give up Secularism because the secularism may be a block in reviving Dharma, which is the very basic virtue of this country. Can we look through our glorious past to achieve the attainable goal of “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina, Sarve Santu Niramaya………?” Can we recollect the lines of Guru Govind Singh “Manas ki jat sabe ekai pahichanibo”?” Can we understand the meaning of DHARMA to remain attached to it rather than being neutral to Dharma?” May I remind you that Dharmnirpekshta means neutrality towards Dharma and this is what practised by the Secularists. This secularism has creeped into the bone marrow of some selfish power brokers, whereas the control of media is in the hands of the people who are already after grabbing the entire humanity into their fold. We have to be vigilent and stic to our Dharma. We must protect BHARAT and its ethos. Neutrality could kill BHARAT and we should not think of our existence without BHARAT. Let’s strive to work for a vibrant BHARAT that is India. VANDEMATARAM ! Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta. Visiting Physician. Government Postgraduate College, Ambala Cantt Mob.-9315510425

Sunday, July 27, 2008

UPA सरकार का विश्वास प्रस्ताव

UPA सरकार का विश्वास प्रस्ताव

२२ जुलाई २००८ को भारतीय संसद में UPA सरकार द्वारा प्रस्तुत विश्वास प्रस्ताव भारतीय लोकतन्त्र के इतिहास में एक पीड़ादाई स्मृति के रूप मे अंकित हो गया है। इस सम्पूर्ण प्रकरण के कई महत्वपूर्ण पक्ष हैं। हम जानते हैं कि Left Front द्वारा समर्थन हटा लेने के कारण सरकार को यह विश्वास मत लाना पड़ा किन्तु सत्ता पक्ष की ओर् से बोलने वाले सभी वक्ताओं ने अपनी आलोचना का केन्द्रबिन्दु बनाया भारतीय जनता पार्टी को। तीसरे मोर्चे ने प्रधानमन्त्री के लिये मायावती जी का नाम उछाला किन्तु कटाक्ष किये गये श्री आडवाणी जी के प्रधानमन्त्री बनने की सम्भावनाओं पर। विपक्ष के नेता श्री लालकृष्ण आडवाणी जी द्वारा अपने वक्तव्य के माध्यम से सरकार से पूछे गये प्रश्नों का कोई उत्तर नहीं दिया गया अपितु निरर्थक व घिसे-पिटे बाबरी मस्जिद विध्वंस सरीखे वाक्य दोहराए गये। भारत अमेरीका 123 Agreement से सम्बन्धित प्रश्नों का उत्तर न देते हुए निर्लज्जता पूर्वक Hyde Act से इसके सम्बन्ध को नकारा गया। सदन के अध्यक्ष श्री सोमनाथ का व्यवहार पूर्णत: भारतीय जनता पार्टी के विरोध में रहा। ३ सांसदों द्वारा उन्हें १-१ करोड़ रुपया दिये जाने के रहस्योद्घटन के पश्चात भी अध्यक्ष जी ने इस प्रकरण की जांच किये बिना मतदान कराया।देश के समाचार माध्यमों की भूमिका अनुचित रूप से सरकार के पक्ष में रही। समाचारों की प्रस्तुति से चर्चा- समीक्षा आदि में 123 Agreement को देशहित में स्थापित करने का कुत्सित प्रयास किया गया। विपक्ष की आपत्तियों के समाधान की चेष्टा तक नहीं की गयी। UPA सरकार विश्वास मत अवश्य जीती है परन्तु लोकतन्त्र की, नैतिकता की, मूल्यों की लज्जाजनक हार हुई है और इस हार के सबसे बड़े उत्तरदायी हैं समाचार माध्यम
. Dr. जय प्रकाश गुप्त

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Here is a Male Medical Doctor From India, concerned about the prevailing social and political conditions of India and so wants to discuss the views with other nationalistic Indians.
I strongly feel that the latest dirty politics played by the congress party about the President's election is a step fpreward to make the foreigner Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, the prime Minister of this unfortunate great nation.Shall we go on seeing this without reacting strongly against this? What would Pratibhatai be called if she is elected the president? RASHTRAPATI OR RASHTRAPATNI. PATI in Hindi is essentially male in Hindi therefore either we shall have no word for her in Hindi or we shall call her Rashtrapatni.
So Now We have Rashtrapita, Rashtramaata(Soniaji-?) and now Rashtrapatni obviously without her Pati(Husband) or Shri Devi Singh Shekhawat,the husband of Pratibhaji would be the Rashtrapati?